Digital Artwork: Adobe Illustrator



Hanifa Fall 2021 American Vogue

Services: Patterned and Cut and Dyed Face Mask.

Dyed 4 dresses for the runway.

British Vogue Feature

Land Of Goshen was featured in both Print and Online in 2021.

FIDM Blog Feature

Featured on my Alma Maters’ blog January 22’.

Mood Boards

Curated for clients and personal inspiration.

Client Style Revamp Presentation Deck

Galore GIFs

GIFs I curated in Adobe Photshop for Galore’s social media stories (2016-17)


A huge part of creativity for me, lies in inspiration. This page is dedicated to the people, places, and things that catch my eye and influence my aesthetics in my everyday life.

the images listed were found on on various sources and are not intended for copyright. If you’d like credit please contact me